Sunuwar Santosh
I started studying Japanese because of Japanese anime.
I took the JPT because I thought it would be an advantage at work because I could measure JLPT N1 or higher. Okayama, where I live, was the venue, so it was convenient. After actually taking it, I thought it would be helpful for me to learn Japanese, and I liked that it was easier to take than the JLPT. Also, I felt that I lacked the ability to understand the contents of conversations and the ability to read sentences, so I will continue to study Japanese harder than before.
In the future, I want to study automobiles in Japan and become an engineer.
Saddy Ahmed
I started studying Japanese because I thought it was essential for me to enrich my life in Japan and learn about Japanese culture. My dream is to work for a stable Japanese company and be able to speak confidently with my colleagues.
I think the JPT is a good way to measure my language skills more accurately, regardless of my Japanese level, and since the test is held every month, I can adjust my schedule to suit my convenience.
After taking the test, I thought my ability to understand conversational content was weak, so I would like to continue studying Japanese online.
Turapova Ahmedovna Nargiza
(UZBEKISTAN・research student)
The reason I decided to study Japanese was because I wanted to go to Japan.
I took the JPT because I wanted to know my current level of Japanese. When I actually took the test, I found that the question choices were different from those on the JLPT, and I thought it was a good way to measure my communication skills.
I am weak in reading and writing kanji, so I would like to study kanji more. In the future, I would like to create a Japanese textbook.
(BRAZIL・part-time job)
I started studying Japanese because I wanted to build a career in Japan.
I took the JPT because I thought it would give me an advantage in furthering my education or working in Japan, and I like that the JPT specializes in listening and reading comprehension questions.
After taking the test, I felt that my ability to respond appropriately to questions, read and write Kanji, and read sentences were weak, so I will continue to study on my own by using Youtube. I would like to be able to speak Japanese more fluently.
I have a dream of creating my own company and decided to study Japanese in order to communicate with Japanese people.
When I actually took the test, I thought the JPT could measure my Japanese communication skills. I felt I was weak in my ability to respond appropriately to questions and in reading and writing kanji, so I want to study while writing from now on.
I am studying in Japan because I like Japanese culture and people.
After taking the JPT, I thought it would be advantageous for me to find a job in Japan. Also, compared to other Japanese language certification tests, I liked the fact that it has questions for all levels, so I could better gauge my Japanese level. I thought I was weak in grammar, honorifics, ability to understand the content of conversations, ability to respond appropriately to questions, and reading and writing Kanji characters, so I will continue to study these skills by myself while studying at school.
I want to work in Japan in the future, so I want to improve my Japanese.
Jeon Donghun
I have been in Japan for 27 years and I took the JPT to find out my current level of Japanese.
When I actually took the test, I thought it would be a good way to measure my Japanese communication skills. I also think it is good that there are many times to take the test, so I can try it over and over again. I found that I was weak in honorifics, the ability to respond appropriately to questions, and the ability to read sentences.
During the exam, I was frazzled because I did not have enough time, so I would like to improve my ability to understand and answer questions instantaneously.
(KOREA・part-time job)
After taking the JPT, I thought it would be a good reference for my Japanese language study and measure my Japanese communication skills. I think it is also good that the score can measure the level of the examinee. I found that my Japanese language skills were not good enough to give appropriate responses to questions.
My dream is to become a conference interpreter in the future, so I would like to study mainly current affairs Japanese.
I hope that more people will know about JPT and that its recognition will spread.