JPT(Japanese Proficiency Test)

About JPT(Japanese Proficiency Test)

Score Descriptions

JPT Score and Linguistic Competence.

score Listening comprehension Reading comprehension
Sufficient communication in Japanese in any situation.
880Above Sufficient communication in Japanese in any situation.
  • Able to understand small differences in conversational expressions, and to communicate accurately.
  • Able to understand what the the other person is saying in meetings, negotiations, and phone calls.
  • Able to express the language adequately and fluently depending on the situation.
  • Accuracy between vocabulary and conversation contents.
  • Able to use Japanese with accurate Japanese knowledge.
  • Able to understand business writing accurately.
  • Mastering grammar and vocabulary.
  • Less grammatical errors.
Use appropriate communication in Japanese in a wide range of situations.
740Above Use appropriate communication in Japanese in a wide range of situations.
  • Able to listen, and have discussions about current issues.
  • Able to make a presentation in front of an audience after preparing manuscript about a certain interesting topic.
  • Generally understand what the other person is saying in meetings, negotiations, and phone calls.
  • Rich in vocabularies and grammar in exception of some others.
  • Able to summarize the main topic in meetings.
  • Able to understand different opinions.
Daily conversation in a limited range of Japanese.
610Above Daily conversation in a limited range of Japanese.
  • Able to understand daily conversation generally.
  • In some cases, not being able to understand the contents of meetings, and negotiations if too complicated.
  • In some cases, not being able to use adequate expressions accordingly.
  • In some cases, not being able to understand instructions or writings accurately.
  • Inexperienced in some Japanese expressions, vocabularies.
  • Insufficient grammatical knowledge.
Simple content can be handled, but there is a problem in accurate representation.
460Above Simple content can be handled, but there is a problem in accurate representation.
  • Able to understand easy daily conversations.
  • Able to express easy Japanese about hobbies, families, weather, or some other general topics.
  • Able to make a simple introduction about certain topics relating to yourself.
  • Able to understand simple instructions and writings.
  • Incapable of finding necessary materials or documents, and composing sentences.
  • Need to study more vocabulary, grammar, and Kanji.
Beginner communication skills and basic greetings and self-introduction.
315Above Beginner communication skills and basic greetings and self-introduction.
  • Able to understand topics about hobbies, families, and some simple topics if the speaker speaks slowly.
  • Able to make basic greetings when meeting people or finishing conversations.
  • Able to easily say something about their own daily life.
  • Only able to recognize basic and easy phrases.
  • Only know fragments of Japanese.
  • Able to understand simple notes.
Incapable of having communications or reading in Japanese.
315Below Incapable of having communications or reading in Japanese.
  • Incapable of having communications or reading in Japanese.

*In a survey conducted by the correlation with CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) on December 2020(hereafter reffered to as the "2020 survey"), the standard level for Japanese has been raised from 220 to 315.

About JPT and CEFR

It is recognized as a test to prove that the Japanese language proficiency for
the "Student" status of residence is equivalent to A2 or higher in the "Reference Framework for Japanese Language Education."
Above Score370points CEFRA2equivalent or higher
According to the 2020 survey, JPT score above 370 (*1) is equivalent to CEFR A2 or higher.
(*1) The score of 370 is equal to level A2 because of the median of the 250-490 score range.

Please see here for the detail.

Application for JPT
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