JPT(Japanese Proficiency Test)

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The JPT Official guide books

Notice about textbook

Characteristics of textbook
  • A previous edition of JPT Included (with Answer lists and explanations)
  • A summary of JPT, Guidebook by each section, The answer list with English translation.
Table of contents
  • What is JPT?
  • JPT: Sample questions
  • Guidebook / Answer / Explanations

Support information

The differences between JPT and JLPT

Price: 1100 JPY (tax included)

The differences between JPT and JLPT

JPT is held twelve times in a year. You will receive results within 2 weeks.

For example, the english proficiency is evaluated with TOEIC® score: 10 to 990. English proficiency test level is from grade 1 to 5. JLPT follows those evaluation procedure: N1 to N5 but JPT is based on evaluation by its score. Therefore you can see the improvement of your skill as you take JPT and it helps to measure your evaluation pricersely. Even though JLPT is held just twice in a year, JPT is held twelve times in a year (from 2020). Also you will receive results within 2 weeks.

JPT is used as a test (*) to certify that a student has Japanese language proficiency equivalent to or above A1 or A2 in the "Frame of Reference for Japanese Language Education".
*A test that certifies Japanese language proficiency equivalent to A1 or higher in the "Frame of Reference for Japanese Language Education" for admission to Japanese language educational institutions (315 points or higher)
*A test that certifies Japanese language proficiency equivalent to A2 or higher (370 points or higher) in the "Frame of Reference for Japanese Language Education" stipulated in the standards announced by Japanese language educational institutions.

Also, a JPT certificate is used to enroll a university and a company, to promote your career, etc.

The differences between JPT and JLPT
660 points more N1
525 points more N2
430 points more N3
375 points more N4
315 points more N5

Summary of a score

The format of JPT is 100 questions from a listing section and 100 questions from a reading section as the same as the format of TOEIC®. Please click the link below to get the details.

Summary of a score

Sample questions

There are total 200 questions from 8 sections in JPT. Please click the link below to get the details.

Sample questions

Application for JPT
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